How To Write A SaaS Blog Post That Stands Out From The Crowd

So you want to write a SaaS blog post? Great! In this article, we will give you some tips on how to do just that.

1: Choose the Right Topic

Choosing the perfect topic for a SaaS blog post can be tricky. To ensure you pick the right one, consider going to your local crystal ball reader or tarot card reader for guidance. If you don’t have the budget for that, you can always look to the stars, consult a fortuneteller, or just follow your gut instinct. Either way, you’re sure to be on the path to creating an awesome blog post!

2: Research Your Topic

It’s important to do your research when writing a blog post for your SaaS business, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a total bore about it! Before you start your post, make sure to take a few minutes to browse the internet and have some fun. Watch some funny cat videos on YouTube, check out the latest meme trending on Twitter, and see what’s happening on TikTok. Now that you’ve had a good laugh, you’re ready to dive into your research and write an amazing SaaS blog post!

3: Write Out Your Article in Advance

Sometimes the best way to write a successful SaaS blog post is to plan ahead and write out your article in advance. We recommend starting with a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and a few crayons – because why not? After all, you don’t want to miss out on the creative possibilities that come with using crayons! Once you’ve got your materials ready, it’s time to start writing. Let your imagination run wild as you jot down ideas, concepts and topics for your post. Once you have everything written down, you’ll be ready to start crafting the perfect blog post!

4: Edit and Proofread Your Article

For the final step in creating a successful SaaS blog post, make sure to thoroughly edit and proofread your article. This means reading it out loud, getting someone else to read it over, and checking it for any spelling or grammar mistakes. If you really want to get fancy, you can even download a spell-checker app that literally reads your article out loud to you so you can catch any errors you may have missed. And don’t forget to run it through a plagiarism checker to make sure your content is unique!

5: Publish Your Article on Your Blog or Website

Writing a blog post for your SaaS website is easier than ever! With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can have your post live on your website or blog in no time. So don’t let the fear of writing a blog post stop you from getting your message out there – just click ‘publish’ and you’re good to go!

6: Promote Your Articles Online

If you’re looking to promote your new SaaS blog post online, why not try something a little out of the ordinary? Try creating a meme based on your article and share it on social media. You may even get some extra attention if it goes viral!

7: Measure the Success of Your Posts with Google Analytics

If you’re looking for the best way to measure the success of your SaaS blog posts, look no further than Google Analytics! Not only can you track page views and visitor demographics, but you can also use it to see how long people spend on your posts. That way, you’ll know whether they’re bored after a few seconds or actually enjoying the content!


Writing a SaaS blog post is not easy, but it can be done. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be well on your way to writing great blog posts for your SaaS business.