How to Create a Content Brief for Writers

I’ve been writing and editing digital content for years. In that time, I’ve seen the way people create content change a lot.

In the past, there was a lot more emphasis on getting content out the door as quickly as possible. It was all about quantity, not quality.

Today, we’ve seen a major shift in the way people approach content. Quality is now the name of the game. People are more strategic about what they create and are using data to guide the content they produce.

One of the ways that people are creating better content is by using content briefs.

Content briefs are a great way to set the right expectations with writers and get everyone on the same page about what the end result should look like.

In this post, I’ll go over everything you need to know about creating a content brief.

What is a Content Brief?

A content brief is a document that outlines what you want a piece of content to cover, who it’s for, and what you want readers to do after they consume it. It’s the foundation of a content strategy and helps content creators understand the purpose and goals of their work.

Content briefs can be used for any type of content, from blog posts to videos and social media updates. They can be as simple or as complex as you need them to be, depending on the type of content and the experience level of the writer or creator.

Why is a Content Brief Important?

A content brief is a writer’s roadmap to success. It gives them everything they need to know about the project, and sets the expectations for the content before they start writing.

If you’re a writer, you know that the more information you have about a project, the easier it is to create content that meets your client’s needs. But if you’re new to working with writers, you may not realize just how important the content brief is.

How to Create a Content Brief for Writers

Creating a content brief is a great way to ensure that your writers are aligned with your content marketing goals.

Creating a content brief is a great way to ensure that your writers are aligned with your content marketing goals. It also helps to make sure that everyone is on the same page and that the content is being created to your specifications.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to create a content brief for writers that will help you improve your content marketing strategy.

What is a content brief?

A content brief is a document that outlines the specifics of an article that needs to be written. It includes things like the title, word count, target audience, and main points.

A content brief is a document that outlines the specifics of an article that needs to be written. It includes things like the title, word count, target audience, and main points.

The content brief also includes information about the tone of voice, style, and formatting that the article should include. This helps to ensure that the content is consistent with the rest of your marketing materials and that it is being created to your specifications.

The content brief is a great way to make sure that everyone is on the loop about the content that needs to be created. It also helps to make sure that your writers are aligned with your content marketing strategy and that they are creating content that meets your goals.

What does a content brief include?

There are a few key elements that should be included in a content brief. The exact format and structure of the content brief may vary depending on your specific needs and goals, but most content briefs will include the following elements:

• Title

• Word count

• Target audience

• Main points

• Tone of voice

• Style

• Formatting

• Keywords

• Links

• Example content

• Deadline

• Writer’s contact information

• Instructions for submission

• Review process

• Payment

These are the most common elements that you will find in a content brief. You may also want to include additional information, such as any specific research that needs to be done or any other guidelines for the content.

1. Start with Your Audience in Mind

The first step in creating a content brief is to define who you’re writing for. The more specific you can be, the better.

For example, if you’re writing a piece about how to use Instagram for marketing, you might define your audience as “small business owners who are new to Instagram.”

If you’re writing a piece about how to use Instagram for marketing, you might define your audience as “small business owners who are new to Instagram.”

If you’re writing a piece about how to use Instagram for marketing, you might define your audience as “small business owners who are new to Instagram.”

2. Define the Purpose of the Content

What do you want the content to achieve? How will it help the reader? What do you want the reader to do after they’ve read the content?

These are all questions that need to be answered in the “Purpose” section of your brief.

The purpose of the content is to provide a clear, concise explanation of why you’re creating it in the first place. This is important because it sets the tone for everything else that follows.

If the writer doesn’t know why they’re writing the content, it’s hard for them to get excited about it. And if they’re not excited about it, it’s hard for them to get the reader excited about it. And if the reader’s not excited about it, they’re not going to stick around for very long.

In other words, if you want to create content that gets results, you need to make sure the purpose of the content is clearly defined.

3. Provide a Clear Description of the Content

It’s important that the writer knows what type of content you’re looking for.

For example, if you want a blog post, is it a listicle, a how-to post, or a review?

If you want a product description, should it be long or short?

If you want a white paper, is it a problem/solution format or a numbered list of tips?

The more specific you can be, the better.

If you have examples of the type of content you want, you can include links to those examples in your brief.

4. Set Clear Goals for the Content

What is the purpose of the article you’re asking your writer to create? Are you trying to rank for a specific keyword? Are you trying to increase brand awareness around a certain topic? Are you trying to get people to sign up for a webinar?

Setting clear goals for your content is important because it helps your writer understand the “why” behind the article. It also helps your writer understand how to structure the article, what to include in the article, and how to write the call to action at the end of the article.

5. Include SEO Keywords

If you want your content to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs), you need to optimize it for search engines. That means you need to include keywords in your content.

Keywords are words and phrases that people use to search for information on the internet. For example, if someone wants to learn how to create a content brief, they might use the keyword “how to create a content brief” in their search.

To help your writers understand which keywords to include in their content, you should provide a list of relevant keywords. You can use a keyword research tool like SEMrush to find keywords that are related to your topic and have a high search volume.

In addition to the main keyword, you should also include a few related keywords that your writers can use to optimize their content. This will help you rank for a variety of different search queries.

6. Provide Examples of Content You Like

If you already have a good idea of what you want your content to look like, you can provide examples to your writers. This will help your writers understand the tone, style, and depth of research that you’re looking for.

If you’re looking for a new writer, you can provide an example of a similar piece of content that you like. This will help the writer understand what you’re looking for and give them a good idea of the type of content that you want.

If you’re looking for a new writer, you can provide an example of a similar piece of content that you like. This will help the writer understand what you’re looking for and give them a good idea of the type of content that you want.

7. Set the Tone

Your brand has a unique voice and tone that should be evident in all of your content. When assigning a topic to a writer, be sure to specify your preferences for tone and voice.

If you have a specific target audience, make sure to mention that as well. The more information you can provide about your audience, the better the writer will be able to tailor the content to them.


We hope that this guide has helped you better understand how to create a content brief for writers. It’s a great way to help your writers understand what you’re looking for and how you want it done. This way, you can get the content you need for your business to succeed.