7 Tips For Writing Email That Promotes Your Business

Email is one of the most effective ways to promote your business. However, not all emails are created equal. In this article, we will share seven tips for writing email that promotes your business.

1: Use Active Voice

When writing a business email, it is important to use active voice. Active voice gives emails a stronger, more direct tone, making them easier to read and understand. Additionally, using active voice can help make emails appear more concise and efficient. Employers and colleagues appreciate emails that are clear and to the point. Active voice can help ensure that emails are not too long or confusing. Utilizing active voice when composing business emails is a great way to make a good impression.

2: Be Concise and To The Point

When drafting a business email, it is important to be concise and to the point. Making the content of the email as clear and direct as possible will ensure that the purpose of the email is communicated effectively. Additionally, including only the necessary information will help keep emails brief, thereby making them easier to digest for both the sender and recipient. By following these tips, you can ensure that your business emails are both professional and effective.

3: Be Personal and Professional

When writing a business email, it is important to strike a balance between being professional and personal. It is beneficial to include a greeting or salutation, especially when sending an email for the first time, as it can help create a connection with the recipient. A professional but friendly tone should be used throughout the email, and sentences should be kept concise and to the point. When signing off, a polite closing such as ‘Sincerely’ or ‘Best regards’ is recommended. This can help to create a positive impression and foster better business relationships.

4: Use Bolding And Italics

When writing a business email, it is important to consider the use of bolding and italics to emphasize important words or phrases. Bolding and italics are a great way to draw attention to key points or areas of emphasis in an email. They also help to make the email easier to read and help the reader quickly identify important information. Using bolding and italics can help make a business email more effective, professional, and clear.

5: Include Images

Including images in an email is an effective way to add visual interest and draw attention to the content of an email. Images can be used to illustrate a point, highlight a key message or create a professional look. When adding images to an email, it is important to consider the size and format of the image, as well as the file size of the image, to ensure that it will display correctly on all devices. Additionally, it is important to include alt-text for any images included in an email, as this will ensure that all readers can understand the content of the image.

6: Add Links

When writing a business email, it is important to include links to relevant websites, documents and other resources. This can provide additional context or support for what you are discussing in the email. When adding links, make sure they are easy to find, clearly labeled and accurate. Additionally, it is important to keep the number of links you are providing reasonable—too many can become overwhelming for the reader.

7: Avoid Wordiness

When writing a business email, it is important to avoid wordiness. Writing emails that are concise and to the point will help ensure your message is understood and not lost in a barrage of unnecessary words. Utilizing shorter sentences and avoiding overly long ones will help you communicate your message effectively and efficiently. Additionally, try to use active language instead of passive language to make sure your emails sound professional.


These tips will help you write email that promotes your business.