Social Media Mistakes You’re Making Right Now That Could Be Sabotaging Your Success

Are you making social media mistakes that could be holding you back from reaching your full potential? Far from being a burden, these blunders could actually be hindering success. Here are some of the pitfalls we commonly encounter – don’t let them ruin another opportunity!

1. You’re Not Using Social Media Automation

The utilization of automation in your marketing strategy is an indispensable aspect that can yield impressive results. It allows you to focus on the essential elements – without having to constantly monitor social media activity.

Social media automation tools enable you to create highly engaging content with as little input from yourself or your team as possible, while also monitoring its progress. This way you can ensure that any given post is well received and receive notification whenever it has been viewed or shared by others – all while maintaining a hands-off approach!

To kick things off, consider crafting a handful of blog posts per day or scheduling a series of Instagram captions. Constructing consistent promotional campaigns on different platforms is an easy task with an array of pre-designed templates available for free use on your chosen platform.

2. You Aren’t Making Use of Your Social Media Calendar

To successfully manage your social media presence, you must have a well-oiled machine. The schedule for posting can be quite hectic – especially if it’s one where you’re juggling multiple accounts!

To ensure your social media calendar is efficient and effective, employ the following principles:

1) Establish all of the posts that need to be made on a regular basis.

2) Identify when each post should be released.

3) Ensure that every item has been accounted for before proceeding.

4) Ensure that each one of these posts receives sufficient attention; consider this like an obligation that needs fulfilling!

By carefully crafting your social media calendar, you will be able to devote more time to actually posting material rather than simply confirming it with yourself!

3. You Aren’t Posting at the Right Time

The ideal time to post on any platform is when it makes sense.

Ranging from early morning or late evening posts, there are a multitude of options to choose from – making it all too easy for people to miss out on your posts without even realizing it!

Be mindful and consider what’s best for your audience. Not only will they appreciate it but it’ll also ensure that your content garners more attention than if it were solely plastered on social media during the wee hours of the night.

4. You’re Not Using Social Media Trends

Are you truly utilizing the numerous social media trends that currently exist? Are you utilizing them effectively, or are you simply letting them pass by unnoticed?

To take advantage of these ever-changing opportunities, it’s necessary to remain cognizant of what is happening beyond your usual routine. Don’t allow yourself to fall behind – stay informed! You never know when a recent trend may be suitable for your business’ needs; don’t let it pass you by!

5. Forgetting About Boring But Important Marketing Ideas

This can be a real challenge, when faced with a plethora of exciting options.

After all, if you’re not utilizing your website content and social media accounts in tandem with the myriad marketing tools available nowadays such as email marketing, websites and display advertising – then how else could you possibly go about achieving success?

Don’t rule out the old-fashioned ways! Even though they may require more time and effort than one might anticipate from an automated solution – remember that proper planning is often the key to success when it comes to executing any business strategy.

6. Analyzing Your Posts To Death

In an age of rampant content consumption, it is imperative to provide fresh, relevant updates for your audience. This doesn’t merely mean crafting noteworthy blog posts and sending them out through social media channels – it also means creating engaging pieces that are captivating and appropriate for each individual platform’s layout.

Many businesses fall prey to this problem: they spend hours upon hours scrutinizing their image creations in anticipation of gaining valuable insights into what made those particular efforts a success or failure.

It can be quite a chore to manually analyze all of one’s posts and categorize them according to which ones were most successful – not only does this require time but it is also inflexible as well!

7. Being Too Traditional In Your Posting Style

Your social media style should be coherent with your brand’s image. If you’re a business with an avian theme, then people tend to expect posts featuring images of feathered creatures or perhaps even animated avians – don’t let them down!

While it may seem prudent to adhere strictly to tradition when crafting your messages, that could leave you susceptible to incongruous content such as inappropriate language, lacklustre images and clunky memes – all which can be perceived as unprofessional or antiquated.

8. Using Poor Performing Images That Have Nothing To Do With Your Content

Your social media images should reflect your brand and, more importantly, your content.

Eventually, you may find yourself in front of that dreaded browser when it comes time for them to browse through your page’s imagery choices. Picture after picture of bland colors and bland photography won’t help one bit!

Make sure that your pastures are green – even if it means employing a professional photographer who can capture the best possible shots for you.

9. Not Being Realistic About Advertising On Your Blog

If you’re a budding business owner and haven’t ventured into advertising with your blog yet, it may be because you haven’t fully explored the vast array of options available to you.

To make things more convenient for both parties, companies often partner with blogs like yours in order to reach out to their audience more effectively. This arrangement can yield impressive results!

For instance, Google Display Network advertisements allow businesses to place their ads on websites like yours. With this method of advertising, users simply need to click once rather than incessantly refreshing a webpage – thus reducing their efforts considerably!


To ensure that you attain the notoriety and reputation you desire, it is essential to consistently engage in a manner that is beneficial to your business. If you are making mistakes on social media, these can be remedied; however, if you are consistently engaging in activities that are not optimal for success – such as posting content that is not up-to-date or making mistakes with hashtags – then these will likely continue regardless of your efforts.

It’s essential to keep abreast of trends and adapt your strategy accordingly. To ensure success in 2019, consider these suggestions:

Engage with customers via social media to gauge what works best for them. Realize their individual needs and preferences so as to provide superior service. Test out new ideas – whether they yield results or not – before making an all-encompassing commitment!