Top of Mind: Questions About Marketing You’re Probably Asking

As a business owner and marketer, you’re likely pondering a plethora of marketing questions. Perhaps they pertain to the strategies that you employ or even query as to why certain tactics are being utilized over others.

As an entrepreneur and marketer, it is imperative to be inquisitive. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain insights into your marketing efforts so that you can make informed decisions about how best to proceed with them!

Are you interested in learning more about the ins and outs of marketing? Then, peruse through our guide to comprehending the process and acquire answers to all your queries related to it.

What’s the best marketing move you’ve ever seen?

I am quite fond of Net Promoter Score, the tool that allows you to gauge the degree to which your customers are satisfied with your brand.

Net Promoter Score is a simple scoring model that gauges customer loyalty by asking respondents three questions:

• How likely is it that you would recommend this company/product/service to friends or colleagues?

• On a scale from 1-10, how likely would you be to place an order with this company again if given the opportunity? And finally;

• At present, how likely would you be to repurchase this item if the opportunity arose?

What’s the worst marketing move you’ve ever seen?

It may be regrettable, but there is no industry that hasn’t experienced its share of marketing blunders. From the clamorous to the colossal, here are five of the most infamous ones business owners have encountered in recent memory!

Despite the myriad of digital marketing strategies available, many companies continue to make their best efforts at traditional channels: newspaper advertisements (one of which we described above), television commercials and radio spots are classic methods for marketers to utilize. However, when an importer in New Jersey decided to run an effective TV spot showcasing their quality products on January 24th of this year; the endeavor quickly backfired. After all was said and done – such a humble attempt by an individual attempting to market himself as an honest businessman brought about nothing but disaster for him instead!

“It’s been two weeks since we embarked on our campaign. My sales are flat; my leads are stagnant… I’m doomed,” lamented one import-export business owner upon discovering that his efforts to advertise with a local TV station had resulted in little success. Furthermore, he expressed concerns over dwindling traffic and declining conversions toward his website – all indications that something needs to be done immediately!

What do your team struggle with the most when it comes to their marketing department?

The marketing department usually consists of a variety of individuals and organizations, all with their own areas of expertise. This means that while they may share similar goals and objectives, there are invariably some areas where everyone is operating in a somewhat distinct realm.

Some of the greatest challenges that your team can encounter stem from internal communication within the company: poor coordination between departments and insufficient collaboration among peers can make finding solutions to problems immensely difficult. Despite this, we still see marketing teams struggling with everything from lack of coordination between teams to miscommunications between members; however, we must also acknowledge that general dissatisfaction with the business’s performance often leads to such issues as well! Ultimately though, it remains essential for any organization to recognize the importance of effective communication among employees so that issues can be resolved at an accelerated pace – without compromising quality!

Unable to effectively collaborate with fellow marketers, some companies opt for outsourcing. This can provide additional support for marketing professionals, but it comes at an unavoidable cost – one that could have impacts on other aspects of an organization. Sometimes, acquiring assistance from outside vendors can prove advantageous over relying solely on in-house experts; however, you should always assess your options carefully before making any substantial decisions!

What is the most important metric that your team should be tracking

When it comes to metrics, it’s essential that you collect data across various dimensions of your business. This can be accomplished by examining a multitude of factors, including sales figures and customer lifetime values; however, this array of elements should not stand alone as the sole basis for evaluating success.

Christopher M. Wooten of The Q Agency, asserts that there are two major metrics that his team monitors regularly: lead generation and conversion rates.

Topping Christopher Wooten’s list is the importance of generating leads – with more than 80% of them being generated via inbound channels like optimizing websites and social media profiles.

Not only does his organization require an increase in the quality of their leads, but also ensuring that they convert into opportunities which results in greater revenue or profit for companies.

aside from sales?

If you’re operating a business, you must be acutely aware of the bottom line. But there’s more to running enterprises than just generating sales – after all, it is merely one facet of success!

Revitalizing your marketing strategy can prove invaluable in ensuring your enterprise thrives even beyond revenue-generating efforts. Here are some other areas that should be considered:

• Expansion plans; this could mean expanding your reach within an industry, or opening new outlets across the globe. If you have ambitions for expansion, consider the ramifications associated with it – such as capital acquisition or labor costs involved in transporting and distributing products among various locations – before beginning any planning process!

• Customer support: Once again, this topic requires no introduction – but it must be addressed nonetheless! Ensuring that satisfied clients remain loyal to your brand is essential if you wish to maximize profits. You cannot afford to lose them – and they will not hesitate in taking their business elsewhere if they perceive insufficient effort being made by your organization towards keeping them satisfied.

• Public relations campaigns: Engage in regular initiatives to ensure that your brand remains well-regarded both internally and externally. This could involve sponsoring sports teams, funding charities or issuing press releases about recent accomplishments. Through these actions you may be able provide reassurance to potential patrons regarding the quality of service offered by their company; consequently leading them toward patronizing it!

How can I hire better marketers and increase their productivity?

For years, marketers have been employing the tried-and-true method of advertising on social media. This can be said to be an effective strategy in generating leads and expanding clientele – as well as increasing brand recognition!

Yet, with so many marketing channels competing for attention, it can be difficult to ascertain which one is most effective. There are countless tools available to aid you in facilitating a decision; however, the complexity of their choices may be daunting. Plus, when making such a weighty decision as selecting a suitable platform for your campaign – one that requires a lot of time and effort – there are bound to be obstacles along the way.

To ensure that your efforts yield fruitful returns, you must commit yourself to investing wisely in marketing strategies. That way, you can create more efficient enterprises that not only yield success but also generate additional revenue streams too! To help you achieve this goal faster than ever before, consider employing these proven options:


It’s understandable if you feel a sense of trepidation as you begin your marketing efforts.

You have no idea what steps to take, what words to utter or even which platforms to utilize; after all, this is uncharted territory! But fear not, my friend!

To help you navigate the tumultuous waters of modern marketing, we’ve created the all-powerful keyword tool. This nifty little application will point you in the direction of your ideal marketing plan and even assist with creating it!

It’s your chance to discover the best keywords for your business – and create memorable experiences for your customers!